PI Supports Manufacturers and Users in the Implementation of Security
Over the past few years, security has become a central focus of PI (PROFIBUS & PROFINET International), not only as a result of progressing regulations, but also due to increasing awareness and growing importance to users as well.
A comprehensive security solution cannot be integrated in a single large step, as the necessary measures in the protocol elements and at the interface to the user are too extensive. Technology and device manufacturers and users alike must approach the topic in stages. In addition, the framework conditions are not yet as clear as they should be. Regardless, everyone involved has to get started or consequently take the next step. PI has been actively coordinating with users for years and has defined supporting measures for the use of its technologies, such as in the form of guidelines.
Over the past few years, security has been integrated into the PROFINET specification through close cooperation between experienced PROFINET and security experts. The next steps are now on the agenda, such as certification. This has been completed for Security Class 1 since the last update, with the focus now shifting to Security Classes 2 and 3. Here as well, technology and device manufacturers are being offered intermediate steps in the form of Trial Bundles to support an incremental development process. Plugfest events for direct interaction are in the works. Ad hoc working groups are also tackling specific challenges such as integration into field devices and systems in process automation. The goal is to implement a user-friendly solution for the devices of the manufacturing and process industries with PROFINET for Security Classes 2 and 3.
Security is not just anchored in devices, but also requires interaction with the user, e.g. to manage the necessary certificates. This is why users are closely involved in the conceptual design process, because without excellent usability, complex security technology is inconceivable in day-to-day use in the industrial field. Corresponding guidelines are being updated and newly developed for this purpose as well.
PI thus remains a reliable partner to manufacturers and users – a partner who faces challenges in a coordinated way with outstanding competence.