All posts by: Web Admin

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PROFINET Community Stack as a Toolkit

Introduction & History In 2021, Siemens donated its PROFINET software stack to PROFIBUS & PROFINET International (PI) in what would become an offering known as the PROFINET Community Stack. The Community Stack contains full PROFINET Controller & Device functionality with well-defined APIs, which leverage easy adaptation to individual target hardware, operating systems, and IP stacks. […]

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New PI Training Center in Sweden

PI Training Centers (PITCs) are instrumental in providing educational services for PROFINET and PROFIBUS technologies worldwide.  They support developers and users in learning more about PROFIBUS and PROFINET and using the technologies effectively. Thanks to formalized learning units, uniform training standards can be established worldwide and the knowledge base of engineers and technicians in important areas […]

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Virtualised Controller and Device Certification

Virtual controllers and devices are a perfect example of the IT/OT convergence which plays a decisive role for PROFINET in automation technology. With the technical advancements being made in virtualization technology and the growing demand for virtual controllers and devices, PROFIBUS & PROFINET International (PI) has adapted the PROFINET certification process accordingly and reached an […]

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Field Device Development in 7 Steps

The process industry faces the challenging task of increasing plant efficiency, reducing production costs and ensuring human and environmental safety. As a result, current developments in electronics and measurement technology focus on utilizing digital signal processing, artificial intelligence, real-time data transmission, predictive maintenance functions with easy device replacement, and functional safety. In this context, digitization […]

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New omlox Certification Now Available

The omlox standard, which provides an open and interoperable infrastructure for real-time positioning in industrial environments, is growing steadily and is increasingly established in the market. We are pleased to announce that omlox air 8 ready certification is now available for omlox Core Zone products. omlox Core Zone Certification Now Possible After extensive testing by Fraunhofer IOSB-INA, […]

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PROFIsafe and Virtualization

Virtualization Advancing digitalization in automation technology has experienced a significant innovation with the virtualization of programmable logic controllers (PLCs). The experts of the PI community have been intensively engaged with this dynamic field to provide sufficient support through standardized and certified industrial communication solutions. The goal is to enable seamless PROFINET communication between virtualized PLCs […]