Ti2 Pty Ltd

Patrick van Eybergen

Ti2 Pty Ltd
11 Averill Street,
Rhodes NSW 2138

Ph: 1300 842 111
E: patrick@ti2.com.au

Ti2 is a Technical Solutions and Medical Technology Development Company.

Ti2 Automation is our traditional business, taking the knowledge from years of work in flexible, J-I-T production, with newer products from World Class suppliers like Softing in Germany, to provide robust, competitive industrial automation solutions, helping companies like Cochlear & Nanosonics in emerging industries.

Ti2 Medical has two senior medical researchers contributing to unique insights, combined with our traditional automation people, to provide a platform for extending industrial research & ideas to resolving practical medical issues.

Ti2 Sports is developing technology for player development, including Club level kits as an assistant aid to their coaches.

Ti2 Pty Ltd offer a wide range of quality industrial automotive, automation and information products and services. By using genuine open standards and technologies for industrial solutions, Ti2 aims to bring substantial cost reductions to companies in the manufacturing and process industries.

“To Lower Overall Costs, Standardize on Technologies, not Product Brands”
Through implementing genuine open standards and technologies, end-users are presented with flexible and cost effective solutions. You control your destiny, not your automation or information supplier.